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Healthcare for European citizens in Sardegna

The costs of treatment will be covered by your home country’s health authorities. The costs of medical treatment in another EU country can be covered through:
direct healthcare: your home country’s health service will pay the State health service of the treating country directly (Care in the European Union: what to know (salute.gov.it));
indirect healthcare: you pay the cost of your care upfront to the public, private or private ‘under contract’ healthcare facilities or professionals in the treating country and then claim reimbursement from the relevant healthcare authority in your home country. Remember to check whether, for your country and for the provision of the services concerned, prior authorisation is required. This can be obtained by contacting your local healthcare authority.

If you need any further information, please consult the National Contact Point page set up by the Ministry of Health to facilitate access to cross-border healthcare for patients from other EU countries.
your europe Indirect cross-border healthcare in Sardinia
Indirect healthcare is provided for by the European Union to guarantee all citizens the right of freedom of choice of the place of care in any country in the European Union.
your europe Certificate replacing the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in Sardinia
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) allows people registered with the Italian National Health System (SSN) to receive medically necessary treatment during a temporary stay in another EU Member State or in the United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland.

Last updated 10 luglio 2023

This page is part of the European Commission’s Your Europe portal.